I have a “beef” with this sign

Humberg & Steak (photo by Tim Young)

X Humberg & Steak

Tim says:

This sign reminds me of Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol” because he would say “Bah! Humberg!” … or, no, sorry, that was “Humbug”. My mistake.

Anyway, the word is spelled incorrectly on this sign. It should be “Hamburg”. Of course, it’s referring to “Hamburg steak”, a name that Americans used perhaps 100 years ago, but it’s never heard today. Perhaps this is what we now call “Salisbury steak”.

But there’s another problem with this sign. “Steak” is being used here as an uncountable noun, which is fine; it can be either countable or uncountable. However, “Hamburg” is simply a Japanese abbreviation of “Hamburg steak”; in English, we would only understand it as the name of a city! But “Salisbury steak & steak” sounds weird. Perhaps a restaurant in the U.S. would handle it this way:

O Salisbury Steak Sirloin Steak

By the way, did you know? There’s some controversy over whether “Hamburg steak” and “hamburgers” were named after Hamburg, Germany, or Hamburg, New York!


Ayumi says:

日本語では「ハンバーグステーキ」と言いますが、それだとしてもスペリングが違う! ただし、humberg, humbergerのスペリングはネット上でも多く見られる。どうしてなのか?このミススペリング。ところが、たとえHamburgとしてみても、これでは「ハンブルグ」との地名にしかならない。

初めて聞いた! “Salisbury steak” Salisburyはアメリカの栄養学者の名前から。第1次世界大戦中にドイツ語が避けられていたときに、hamburgerは、Salisbury steakと呼ばれたとのこと。。。個人的にはこの種のアメリカンフードがちょっと苦手です。


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They’ll be up late fixing their sign

There are neither a cover charge a service charge nor a late-night shops charge, etc. at all. (photo by Tim Young)

X There are neither a cover charge a service charge nor a late-night shops charge, etc. at all.

Tim says:

There’s so much wrong with this sentence…

First of all, “neither ~ nor ~” can only be used when there are two choices. This sign lists three choices — and then implies that there are additional choices by adding “etc.”!

“Neither” should be deleted. It is OK to use “nor”, however, in a list of three or more choices. But if “nor” or “or” is used (rather than “and”), the sentence should begin with “there is” (rather than “there are”).

When listing three choices, commas should be used: “a cover charge, a service charge, or a late-night shops charge.”

“At all” seems unnecessary, and “etc.” seems rather odd on a sign such as this one. I think this phrasing is smoother:

O This shop does not assess any cover, service, late-night business, or other charges.

Ayumi, have I forgotten anything?


Ayumi says:



“neither A nor B” は「AもBも~でない」という2つを同時に否定するときに使いますので、ここのように3つを否定するときには使えません。


OPEN 18:00 ~ 5:00 CLOSE


OPEN 18:00 ~ 5:00

Business Hours 18:00 ~ 5:00


Tim, what do you think? Do we still need “CLOSE” here?



You’re right; saying “Business Hours” would be more natural in English. And using simply “open” — as in “these are the hours that this shop is open” is also fine.


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This sign should rise to a higher level

Guide of stop floor (photo by Tim Young)

X Guide of stop floor

Tim says:

I understand what they want to say here, and it’s a bit difficult to say succinctly in English. But this English is definitely strange.

You could say “Guide to the floors at which this elevator stops.” But it’s too long, right?

We could phrase it this way:

O This elevator stops on these floors:

Or how about this?

O This elevator stops on B1 and the 1st, 8th, and 9th floors.


Ayumi says:

“Guide of stop floor”

停止階を “stop floor” としているのもとってもおかしいのですが、私がもっと気になったのは “of” です。 以下のようなことを言いたいとき、日本語の「の」を自動的に “of” としてしまう間違いをとても多く見かけます。

key to a car(車のカギ)

secretary to a professor(教授の秘書)

answer to a question(質問の答え)

guide to teaching(指導要領)


ところで、修正案について。 This elevator stops on … の代わりに、This elevator doesn’t stop … でも良いのか?と思いました。 というのは、通常デパートのエレベーターは利用階だけに止まるので、B1F, 1F, 8F, 9Fすべてに止まるとは限らないので。

So how about these, Tim?

  • This elevator doesn’t stop from 2F to 7F.
  • This elevator doesn’t stop between 2F and 7F. (or should it be between 1F and 8F?)

I would say it doesn’t stop on the 2nd through 7th floors, or it doesn’t stop between the 1st and 8th floors! –Tim


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Bash people here! But quietly!

bash room (photo by Tim Young)

X Bash room

Tim says:

I saw this door in a department store. What does it mean? “Bathroom”? No, it’s just a regular meeting room. A clerk in the store told me it was a room that could be rented for events or parties…

A party can sometimes be called a “bash”, so perhaps that’s why they gave it this name. But a “bash” is probably a noisy, somewhat wild party. The clerk told me that the management of the store would not approve noisy parties to be held in this room, so it’s not a good name for this room.

Even worse, “bash” can also mean “to strike with a crushing or smashing blow.” Are people beaten up in this room?! It sounds kind of scary. Not such a good place for a pleasant, quiet event to be held!

O Event room


Ayumi says:

ガラスのドアに美しく書かれている “BASH ROOM” との文字。


bash には確かに「パーティー、イベント」の意味があり、birthday bash (誕生日パーティー) のように言うこともできる。けれどもこれはかなり騒がしい「どんちゃん騒ぎ」のイメージ。写真はイベント用のレンタルルームのようですが、まさか「ここで 騒いでください!」というつもりではないでしょうww

さらに、bashには「~をたたく、なぐる」の意味もある。あの “Japan bashing” (日本たたき) もこれですね。「たたく」から「非難する」の意味へと変化したもの。じゃあ “bash room” は、殴り合うお部屋?ケンカ部屋?

なぜこんなにきれいに書かれる前に、誤解を招かない英語かどうかを確認されないのでしょうか?普通に “Event room” “Party room” などで良かったのではないかと思うのですが。


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We have English mistake, too

We have currency exchange machine (photo by Tim Young)

X We have currency exchange machine

Tim says:

I know that using “a” and “the” correctly is a big problem for many Japanese. But wouldn’t that have been a good reason to have a native speaker check this sign?

“Currency exchange machine” is countable. There is only one in this bank. The sign is not referring to something that the reader already knew about, so it’s correct to use “a” here, rather than “the”.

O We have a currency exchange machine


Ayumi says:

銀行で見かける表示、「両替機あります」と言いたいのでしょう。 この日本語では1台あるのか10台あるのかわかりません。だからなのでしょう、数を気にしない日本語を母語とする私たちにとっては英語の単複の区別や冠詞がとっても難しい。

machineは可算名詞ですので、単数の場合は冠詞が必要になります。(my, thisなどがある場合を除く)

ここでは、1台ありますということで不定冠詞 “a” が適切です。 たかだ “a” されど “a” 。ネイティブスピーカーにとっては抜けているととっても気になるものです。


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There’s a shop in our store!

mails (photo by Tim Young)

X Drug Store’s Shop

Tim says:

This is really confusing. Why would a drug store own a shop? A store IS a shop! It’s like if we said “restaurant’s eatery”. They’re both the same thing!

How did this mistake happen? Ayumi and I can’t figure it out. Perhaps “Drug Store” was translated from a Japanese term that doesn’t include the meaning of “store”, such as 「薬屋」? It’s a mystery…

O Drug Store


Ayumi says:

Drug Storeですでに「薬局」ですので、Drug Store’s Shopだと「薬局のお店」。




「薬屋」と和英辞書を引いて “drug store” が出てきた。

「薬屋さんのお店」というつもりで、drug store’s shopでしょうか?



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This blender is an octopus!

mails (photo by Tim Young)

X Multi Handy Blender

Tim says:

What does this mean? That the blender is handy in multiple ways? That it has a lot of hands (“Multi-hand” haha)?

The Japanese above it doesn’t include the meaning of “multi-“, so I’m not sure why it’s in the English! What they probably wanted to say was:

O Handy Multi-use Blender

A direct translation of the Japanese would be something like:

O A handy blender with which you can easily make professional-quality dishes

But that’s too many words!

Ayumi says:

日本語で言う「マルチ」の使い方に問題があります。 multi- だけでは「多くの」という意味で、何が多いのかわかりません。 multi handy だとまるで手がたくさんあるようで、、、とっても便利そうではありますが(笑)

ここでは、「いろんなことができる、多機能な」の意味で “multifunctional” などでも良さそうです。 multimedia(マルチメディア) multinational corporation(多国籍企業) multitalented entertainer(マルチタレント)※マルチタレントは和製英語 このように、multi- の後には何が多いのかが必要になります。

「彼ってマルチだから・・・」 って、彼がたくさんいるのでしょうか?(笑)


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Returned for Insufficient Grammar

mails (photo by Tim Young)

X Mails X Insurances

Tim says:

“Mail” and “insurance” are generally uncountable nouns, so it’s strange to see them as plural forms on these signs.

“Savings” sounds natural, but not because it’s a plural form! “Savings” means the amount of money that you currently have saved. We can refer to a bank account that’s intended strictly for saving money as a “savings account”.

O Mail O Insurance

Ayumi says:


mailとinsuranceは通常不可算名詞ですので、ここでは複数形にはしません。 それに対して、savingsは複数形で問題ありません。savingsで「預金、貯金」の意味になります。アメリカで普通預金口座を意味する savings account の savings が複数形になっているのもこのためです。


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How much is this grammar correction worth?

Do you know how much is your home worth? (photo by Tim Young)

X Do you know how much is your home worth?

Tim says:

“How much is your home worth?” is a correct question by itself. But in this case, the question is “Do you know…?” so the rest of it should not be phrased as a question.

O Do you know how much your home is worth?

You could answer: “Yes, I know how much my home is worth. The value is…”

Ayumi says:



普通の疑問文だと、How much is your home worth? ですが、これをDo you know ~ からつなげると、間接疑問文になります。そして動詞と主語がひっくり返って平叙文のような順番に。

Do you know how much your home is worth?

よく会話で、I know what you mean… 「そうそう、気持ちわかるわ~」なんて言いますがこれも同じです。

疑問文だと、What do you mean?ですが、I know ~ からつなげると、その後が平叙文のようになって、I know what you mean. となります。


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Maybe you should throw away this sign

Don't throw away trash on the street. (photo by Tim Young)

X Don’t throw away trash on the street.

Tim says:

“Throw away” does mean “discard”, but it’s often used to mean “throw into a garbage container.” So if I see this sign, I feel like it’s telling me not to throw trash into trash baskets that are along the street! So you mean, I’m supposed to litter?!

Of course not. Exactly the opposite. But “away” makes it confusing.

“Please don’t throw trash on the street” would be OK, but we can say it more concisely this way:

O No littering

Ayumi says:

“throw away” は「~を捨てる」の意味なので、このままで「道路にごみを捨てないでください」となり問題ないようにも思える。でもこれでは変です!

ポイントは副詞の “away”

ここでの “away” は「消失・除去」の意味ですので、目の前から消えるイメージ。”throw away” は、通常きちんとゴミ箱などに捨てて目の前から無くなることを意味します。日本語の「捨てる」は、ゴミ箱に捨てるときでも道端に無造作に捨てるときにでも 使う。それで「throw away = 捨てる」と覚えている日本人に誤解が生まれてしまう。

最初このセンテンスを見て思ったのは、”trash on the street” がひとまとまりで、「道路に落ちているごみを捨てないでください (除去しないでください)」ということなのかと。。。ごみはそのままにしておいてね、なんてことではないですよね。

余計なことは言わずに、No littering がわかりやすいでしょう。No smoking (禁煙) と同様に看板などでよく見られる表現です。ところで “Don’t” 内のアポストロフィ後の不要なスペースも気になる。コンマの後ならば必要ですが、アポストロフィ後にも時々スペースを見かけるのはなぜなのでしょう?


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