Clothing for men, tops, and bottoms!

MEN'S TOPS' BOTTOMS' (photo by Tim Young)


Tim says:

This week, more strange punctuation! The clothing is for men, so “men’s” is correct. But is there something that is for the tops and bottoms? Do they own something? I doubt it, so there’s no need for those apostrophes! These should simply be plural forms, not plural possessive.



Ayumi says:


MEN’Sはわかります。men’s clothingの省略です。


おそらくtops’ clothing, bottoms’ clothingのつもりなのでしょう。 でも、topsは「上に着るもの」、bottomsは「下に履くもの」の意味ですのでアポストロフィは不要。



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Please, correct? Your! punctuation

No bicycle,motorbike.Allowed (photo by Tim Young)

X No bicycle,motorbike.Allowed

Tim says:

This is some really strange punctuation. It looks as though “Allowed” is the beginning of a completely new sentence, because it’s preceded by a period and begins with a capital letter.

There are other problems, too. A comma or a period should have a space after it. (But actually, this sign doesn’t need any punctuation at all.) Also, just like with the menu heading “sandwiches” last week, we are referring to types of things. All bicycles and all motorbikes are prohibited. Therefore, the nouns should be plural.

O No bicycles or motorbikes allowed


Ayumi says:

「自転車。バイク。禁止」 というイメージなのでしょうか。 とってもおかしなパンクチュエーションです。

原因を考えると、 日本語の文章にはスペースもないですし、句読点も英語ほどは重要でない。 句点「。」は必要としても、読点「、」を打つべきところは結構曖昧であることも多い。 日本人が英語を書くとどうもパンクチュエーションが乱れがちな理由はこのあたりにあるのかも知れません。

また、bicycles, motorbikesはすべて乗り入れ禁止ですから複数形になります。 No bicycles or motorbikes are allowed. となるところが、看板なのでBe動詞が省略されています。


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Waiter, please bring me a new menu with corrected spelling

sandwitch (photo by Tim Young)

X Sandwitch

Tim says:

This restaurant menu (and some others I’ve seen) has some spelling problems. There’s no “t” in “sandwich”.

Also, this is a section heading within the menu. So it should be plural!

O Sandwiches

Perhaps it would be OK to spell it with a “t” if it were on the menu for this place…

witch (photo by Tim Young)

Ayumi says:


でも、sand witch? 「砂の魔女」って、、、途端に食欲はなくなります。




18世紀のイギリス、ゲーム好きなサンドイッチ伯爵がゲーム台を離れずに食事が取れるようにと考案したことから名付けられたのは有名なお話。それ以前は、”bread and meat” “bread and cheese” などと呼ばれていました。





“of”は基本的に「所属」を表す。 スポーツが日本に所属しているわけではなく、日本の中で行われるスポーツを言っているので、”in”が正解です。



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Is this sign TOTOly wrong?

For all sports of Japan (photo by Tim Young)

X For all sports of Japan.

Tim says:

The use of “of” here sounds a little awkward. I thought about whether we should say “all Japan’s sports” instead, but actually, I think it’s a little strange to use possessive here at all.

I think we would be more likely to use “in”:

O For all the sports in Japan.

Notice that I also added “the”. “All sports” by itself is fine, but we’re not referring to all sports; rather, we’re specifically referring to all the sports in Japan. Therefore, “the” feels necessary, because “all the + noun” sounds more specific than “all + noun”.


Ayumi says:



“of”は基本的に「所属」を表す。 スポーツが日本に所属しているわけではなく、日本の中で行われるスポーツを言っているので、”in”が正解です。



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And after that, wash the windows and scrub the floors!

Keep it clean (photo by Tim Young)

X Please clean up and keep it clean.

Tim says:

Even though it includes “please”, this sentence feels a bit like an order (命令). “Clean this place up, and KEEP it clean!” sounds like something a mother in a TV situation comedy show would tell her children. Or perhaps an Army sergeant would say it to his troops!

On a product package in the U.S., I can still imagine a sentence phrased as a request/order, but it would be expressed in a way that makes the goal sound attractive:

O Keep your toilet sparkling clean!

I think that this is not actually an order. I think it’s an abbreviation for “If you use this product, you can keep your toilet sparkling clean!”


Ayumi says:

トイレ用洗浄剤のパッケージに書かれていた英語です。 「掃除してきれいにしてください」 って、Pleaseはついていてもなんだかおかしい。商品にそんなこと書いてないですよね。



ここで言いたいのは「この商品を使えば、トイレがきれいになりますよ~」ってことなのでしょう。 広告であれば、いかにも掃除がしたくなるような、商品を手に取りたくなるようなフレーズがいいですね。

それで、Keep your toilet sparkling clean! 「これでトイレもピッカピカ!」


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“Fragrant”? Better check the sell-by date!

It is a box lunch deep-fried in the shop It is very delicious and very fragrant (photo by Tim Young)

X It is a box lunch deep-fried in the shop It is very delicious and very fragrant

Tim says:

The English on this sign, found in a convenience store, is not so terrible, but it has several odd points.

One is that it seems to say that the entire bento lunch — rice, pickles, potato salad, maybe even the box itself — has been deep fried. Wow. That’s got to be one fattening lunch!

(By the way, “deep-fried” with a hyphen should be used as an adjective: “a deep-fried cutlet.” As it’s used on this sign, there should be no hyphen: “It is a box lunch, deep fried.”)

“Delicious” is a fairly strong word, and it doesn’t really need “very. Also, as I think I’ve written before, “fragrant” is not usually used to describe food — unless, perhaps, it is spoiled food! Otherwise, it makes me think of flowers or perfume.

Here’s my version:

O It’s a box lunch with a deep-fried pork cutlet. It’s delicious and smells great!


Ayumi says:

コンビニのトンカツ弁当の説明: 「揚げたてトンカツ弁当! 美味!!風味抜群!!!」

という感じなのでしょう。 でも、部分的に英語が不自然です。

deep friedされているのは、box lunchごとではないですよね? 揚げてあるのはお弁当の中に入っているトンカツだけです。

fragrantは「香りが良い」ときに使いますが、お花や香水を思い浮かべる。 食べ物だったら、smell good/great など。 でもトンカツで「いいにおい」ってあまりしっくりとこない。 ここではお肉の風味がいい、って言いたいのではないかと? だとしたら delicious だけでいいような気もする。


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Fix this sign! It’s an emergency!

On Emergency (photo by Tim Young)

X On Emergency

Tim says:

Prepositions are difficult. It can often be very hard to guess which one is correct in a certain situation. And if you get it wrong, it can sound very strange to a native speaker, or even have a different meaning.

In this case, it just sounds a little strange: it’s still understandable. To sound natural, use “in”, and also use “emergency” as a countable noun:

O In an Emergency


Ayumi says:



「非常時には」「緊急事態発生時には」という場合には、In an Emergency

ちょうど、in this case「この場合には」のときの “in” と同じで、「~のような状況の中では」というイメージ。in this event / in this situation なども同様に。

でも、同じような意味でも on this occasion というのも・・・

Why “on” here, not “in”?

Help us please, Tim-sensei.


Tim says:

Why?! When I studied German in high school, my teacher said “Don’t ask why. It just is.” Haha.

I’m not sure of the “reason”, if there is one. But perhaps it would help to think of it this way: “situation” and words of a similar meaning are preceded by “in”. So we would say “in an emergency situation” (with “emergency” as an adjective). Perhaps “in an emergency” is an abbreviation for “in an emergency situation”?

In an emergency or other situation, you are surrounded by that situation. You aren’t sitting on top of it. Perhaps that’s why we use “in” for situations.

As for “On this occasion”, I guess we think of “occasion” as a point in time, rather than a situation. So we say “on this occasion” just as we say “on this day.”


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Foods for thought

Foods Market (photo by Tim Young)

X Foods Market

Tim says:

The word “food” is occasionally a countable noun. However, as a countable noun, it means types of food (“fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods“). I have seen store signs that say “fine foods”, and that’s OK. But as an adjective (describing “market”), “foods” seems a bit weird to me. So let’s get rid of the “s”!

O Food Market


Ayumi says:

“food” は可算名詞?それとも不可算名詞?

通常は不可算名詞ですが、種類を言うときには可算名詞となります。 natural foods, organic foods, fatty foods などなど。

でも、ここでの “Food Market” ように複合名詞になったときには、foodは形容詞のような働きをするので複数形にはせずにこんな感じです。 food shortage(食糧不足) food additive(食品添加物) food company(食品会社)


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It’s open season on this sign

New Open (photo by Tim Young)

X New Open

Tim says:

“New open” might be understandable to a native speaker, but it sounds strange. “Open” is seldom used as a noun; this makes me think of golf or tennis tournaments, such as the “U.S. Open”! (And even then, “open” is short for “open championship”, so “open” is still really an adjective, not a noun.)

A better noun form would be “opening.” But “new opening” sounds more like it means a new opportunity, rather than the opening of a new shop. Instead, we usually say:

O Grand Opening


Ayumi says:

日本語の「ニューオープン」「グランドオープン」はよくそのまま英語で書かれてしまっている。 以前、スペリングも間違えて “Gland Open” というのまで見かけて驚いた記憶もある。英語では Open ではなく、名詞の Opening を使うべきところです。

ところで、ゴルフやテニスの「○○オープン」は、”open championship” を短くしたもの。ここでの “open” は「プロ・アマ関係なくだれもが出場できる」の意味で使っていますね。でもプロ野球などの「オープン戦」は和製英語で、英語では exhibition game ですので気をつけましょう。


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I recommend that they not use this word!

Today's Recommended (photo by Tim Young)

X Today’s Recommended

Tim says:

This is actually not so bad… it’s better than some signs I’ve written about in the past! Still, it would be better to have “recommended” modifying a noun. For example:

O Today’s Recommended Dishes

Here’s another one…

Today's Recommended (photo by Tim Young)

O Recommendation Menu

I’m not sure if a restaurant in the U.S. would write it exactly this way, but grammatically I don’t think I can say it’s wrong. Good job!

This would sound more natural, though…

O Today’s Recommendations

Well, except… They’re talking about items on their own menu. If these are their recommendations, does that mean that they don’t recommend any of the other dishes on the menu? Do they think some of their own food is better than others? I think it would be best for them to completely avoid the word “recommend” and, instead, write something like this:

O Today’s Featured Dishes


Ayumi says:

よくお店の黒板などに手書きで書かれている「本日のオススメ」を英語にしたようです。 Today’s Recommendedまでは良いのですが、recommended what? と聞きたくなります。 recommendedは過去分詞で形容詞のような働きをしますので、その後に名詞がないとどこか落ち着かない。



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