X Member’s Club
Tim says:
There are two problems here. The first problem is quite simple: This club surely has more than one member, but they’ve used the singular possessive form “member’s”, rather than the plural possessive “members'”. The apostrophe needs to come after the “s”.
But when I gave it a bit more thought, I realized another issue. ALL clubs have members. The entire idea of a club is that people can (or can’t) become members of it. So “members’ club” is meaningless; it tells us nothing about what kind of club this is!
This is a very exclusive private club, known as a 会員制クラブ. In English, let’s call it:
O Members-only Nightclub
Ayumi says:
田中亜由美は「TOEICテスト クロストレーニング PART 1・2」などの本は販売中!ブログはこちら.