Use the AED? 床n’t!

mark is marked

X AED is installed in the floor in which this mark is marked.

Tim says:

Once again, the English errors on this sign also come in threes:

A minor point, but “AED” should follow the word “A”.

“Installed in the floor”? Oh no! We need to move it around, but we can’t if it’s 「床に設置された」! But looking at the Japanese we can see that 「フロア」 is used, not 「床」. So the correct English would be “on the floor”, not “in the floor.” However, it is probably installed on more than one floor, so change that to “on floors.”

Finally, we wouldn’t say “this mark is marked” — using the same word twice, in two different meanings, makes it pretty hard to understand. Referring to the little red “AED”, we would probably call it a “symbol”, not a “mark”. And we wouldn’t use “mark” as a verb in this case, either. Perhaps “posted” would be better.

Also, “where” sounds more natural than “in which”.

O An AED is installed on floors where this symbol is displayed.

Thank you to ミキコリさん for sending this photo!


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