Be more careful …when writing your sign!

An apartment site (photo by Tim Young)

X An apartment site, please do not throw cigarette butts.

Tim says:

The parts of this sentence before and after the comma seem unrelated to each other. That’s because they didn’t include a preposition, such as “at”! Also, “an” apartment site could be anywhere. They mean “this” apartment site.

Also, “throw cigarette butts” means 「タバコの吸殻を投げる」! I’m sure that very few people throw cigarette butts! However, they might drop them.

O At this apartment site, please do not drop cigarette butts.

X Be careful enough to disposal of tobacco.

“Careful enough” sounds odd. Can you be careful without being “careful enough”? As the old expression says, you can’t be TOO careful! A better expression would be “be very careful” or “take extra care.”

“Disposal” is not a verb, so it can’t be preceded by “to”.  Also, writing only “tobacco” makes me imagine a box full of cut tobacco leaves, rather than cigarettes. In English, “tobacco” doesn’t mean “cigarettes”, it only means what’s inside cigarettes.

O Take extra care when disposing of cigarettes.



X Watch out for your time!


「Watch out」と言ったら、「危ないものが来る」という感じがします。でもこの場合には、時間が攻撃するではなく、時間がなくなるという心配ですね。「Don’t lose track of」(分からなくならにでください)の方がいいです。

O Don’t lose track of time!

X Sorry to make you so amazed.

辞書を引いてみたら、「夢中にさせる」とは英語で「make (someone) preoccupied」や「cause (someone) to become preoccupied」です。「make you amazed」は「ビックリさせる」という意味です。「To amaze someone」はいい事ですので、謝らなくていいです!まあ、この看板はユーモア的なものですが、「夢中」と「amaze」はちょっと違います。

O Sorry to make you so preoccupied.