Down in a hole

Dish Down Hole

X Dishes and drinks cup Please lower to the dish down hole.

Tim says:

I can’t imagine exactly what a “dish down hole” looks like. Are we throwing the dishes and cups into the garbage?

That’s the strangest part of this sign, but there are a few smaller problems….

We wouldn’t say “drinks cup.” “Cups for drinks” is better, but really, would the cups be used for anything else besides drinks?! Simply “cups” is best.

Using “lower” as a verb is common when someone is using a machine, or has an object attached to a rope and you are lowering it into a hole by rope. I don’t think the “dish down hole” is so deep!

This photo was submitted by ミキコリさん, who says that, after she took the photo, the sign was replaced with a much simpler and better-written sign:

O Return trays here

Thank you to ミキコリさん for sending this photo!


And then get a broom

Drop (photo by Tim Young)

X Drop

Tim says:

OK, in a sense this is not wrong. We can call a place where something should be dropped off a “drop”.

But since this is a place to drop off trays of dishes, it felt to me like the sign was an order to suddenly let go of your tray, wherever you happen to be standing! That would result in a lot of broken dishes!

I think it’d be better to make this sign a request — one that will not result in a lot of cleanup work afterward.

O Leave your dishes here

Ayumi says:

“drop” には確かに名詞もあります。おそらく「返却口」を辞書で引き、dropとしたのでしょう。







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