A Mysterious Generation

Beyond the Generation

X Beyond the Generation

Tim says:

What does this mean? 「世代の向こう」?? Does it mean they’ll make you look a generation younger? You’ll look the same age as your children? That’s my guess. Here’s a clearer way to say that:

O You’ll look 20 years younger!

By the way, “esthetic” is usually used as an adjective in English, not a noun! This is not “an esthetic”; it’s “an esthetic (or “aesthetic”) salon”.


The shiniest golf clubs you’ll find anywhere!

Esthetic golf school (photo by Tim Young)

X Esthetic

Tim says:

“What is an esthetic golf school?!” That’s what I thought when I first saw this, before I realized they were actually two separate signs!

The problem is that “Golf School”, “Gym”, and the other facilities mentioned on the side of this health & fitness club are nouns, but “Esthetic” is an adjective. So it seemed to be modifying “Golf School”.

In English we might say “esthetic salon”, but of course there’s not enough room for that on this sign. So let’s just use the noun:

O Salon


Ayumi says:

エステチックゴルフスクールって? 私も驚きました! すっかり日本語になってしまった「エステチック」はまるで名詞のように使われていますが、実際には形容詞です。このままではゴルフスクールを形容することになり、 「美的な」ゴルフスクール 「上品な」ゴルフスクール ・・・私もちょっと行ってみたいけれど(笑)

英語では、Esthetic Salonが適切ですが、そこまでスペースもないようですので、 Salonとしておきましょう。


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