It tastes so good that I don’t need to see a doctor!

healthy taste

X Healthy taste

Tim says:

What does health taste like?

Clearly, this is a silly question, but this package seems to be taking it seriously.

I’m not sure exactly what would be the “right” way to say this, but a more natural-sounding marketing phrase that’s similar to this would be:

O Healthy goodness


A Tasteful Sign

Good taste menu in this store.

X Good taste menu in this store.

Tim says:

“Menu” in English means a list of the food available, but it can mean all of the available food itself, too. (Each dish on the menu is a MENU ITEM.)

“Good taste” is not an adjective; it should be “good-tasting”. “In this store” is not a mistake, but it sounds rather childish. Here are some more natural ways to say this:

O We have a great-tasting menu.

O Everything on our menu tastes great!

By the way, if we say someone has good taste, it means 「その人はセンスがある。」 This sign reminded me of that meaning, rather than the food-related one!



St. Valentin's

X Mild and Sweet Taste Snack Pan



O Mild and Sweet Snack Bread



X Delicious to you anytime and anywhere.

「to you」とは「あなたにとって」という意味です。 他の人には、このパンが美味しくないってこと?! 「to you」は要りません。

O Delicious anytime, anywhere.

X A taste of the bread

この文章は「そのパンの味見をする」と言う意味。 でも本当は「パンの味」の意味の方が対象でしょう。 ですので、この表現の方が良いです。

O The taste of bread